Web Form Design: 15 Examples to Do It Right

We’ve crafted this list of 15 web form examples that demonstrate web creation at its very finest. These inspiring works of art will pump your creative juices to apply user-friendly features and best practices to every website form.

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Website forms are an essential component in any website, landing page, or e-commerce store. Whether the form’s objective is to contact the website owner, complete a questionnaire, log in to an account, buy an item, sign up for a new account, book a reservation, or sign up for a free trial — every granular detail of the web form’s design and layout is crucial.

You may have asked yourself these questions in the past: Which design layout will work best for my form? What will engage users most? How can I implement my design motifs and brand identity? Should I place the form inside a website popup, or would a footer form work better?

Between the long list of website form-types and their use-cases, identifying what to consider when in your form design can be intimidating, to say the least. Rest assured, creating a high-performing website form will soon be a stress-free, challenging, yet rewarding web creation experience.

To empower our web design strategy and workflows, we’ve compiled a list of 15 examples that will show you what the very best forms are made of.