Teacher Resources

FTE provides a variety of resources for educators, including curriculum outlines and accompanying lesson plans, Hot Topic inquiries into current issues, and an Economic Barometer for easy access to the U.S. federal government’s latest quarterly economic data. All FTE curriculum resources may be viewed online or downloaded. Lessons include background information, source citations (linked when possible), readings, and handouts. Activities include teacher guides, materials masters, and video demonstrations. Copyright permission is given for educational use of all FTE resources. Download files are editable and the FTE encourages teachers to modify and adapt the materials as appropriate to their specific goals and classrooms.

All FTE lessons are correlated to the National Voluntary Content Standards in economics, the Common Core, and when possible, to the individual state standards. Our searchable interface facilitates alignment of lesson content and activities for standards- and mastery-based instruction.

The Professional Teacher Association (PTA) is open to all alumni of FTE teacher programs, both online and face-to-face. There is no charge for registration or membership. Benefits include a newsletter, advance notice of upcoming courses and programs, and eligibility to apply for annual PTA conferences.

Debbie Henney, FTE Director of Curriculum Receives Bessie B Moore Service Award

Foundation for Teaching Economics is proud to announce that Debbie Henney, director of curriculum for the Foundation for Teaching…

FTE Pays Tribute to Jerry Hume

It is with deep sadness that we announce the loss of William J. Hume, known as Jerry Hume, former Chairman…

Why We Should Be Teaching Students Economic Literacy

Ted Tucker, Executive Director, Foundation for Teaching Economics October 26, 2022 More high schools are offering courses on personal finance…